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5. Invention, intellectual property and income

Dissemination plan

My final project plan is currently outdoor weather station with great amount of sensors. There has been that kind of weather stations for ages, which means basic concept is nothing new nor novel. I think most innovations on that field has been long time only on sensor technology. Developing new type of sensors is sure out of scope at this course in every dimension - it is almost always a lot of signal processing and mathematics. My plan is just make robust weather station, for extreme Finnish winter conditions down to -55 Celsius degrees, that can be extended later using existing sensors.

Whole project is just a hobby project without any commercial interest. Anyhow, it could be interesting if it can be made such simple, feature rich, modular, extendable and pretty cheap "reference" package which other hobbyists can use and develop further. Project will be very likely hosted on GitHub. GitHub offers both version control and www-pages on same integrated platform and it is biggest site for that kind of open source projects having very large user space.


I think, as a hobby project without any commercial interest, it is better to license it as open as possible with less restriction to encourage people to play with it and develop further.

Looking those Creative Commons licenses I eventually ended up to most open and permissive CC0 license. Another very suitable license could be CC BY 4.0. CC0 license is selected for all the other things except software.

For software there is multiple suitable popular open source licenses; GNU GPL, Apache, MIT, etc. All those are pretty similar and fits well project like that. I decided to choose MIT License.

Licenses are: CC0 and MIT.




At this point of Fab Lab courses I really don't have basically any material manufacturing the final project. Due to that video is just a place holder at the moment.
